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Matthew Farber, ED.D.

Matthew Farber, ED.D.

Associate Professor

School of Teacher Education
College of Education and Behavioral Sciences

Contact Information

McKee 259
Mailing Address
University of Northern Colorado
School of Teacher Education
Campus Box 107
Greeley, CO 80639


Professional/Academic Experience

Research/Areas of Interest

Dr. Farber的研究重点是将游戏作为一种多模态读写形式,以及如何创造意义 在游戏过程中可以培养社交和情感学习(SEL)技能. Games are practice spaces to play with social emotions. In some games, players collaborate to solve mutual goals. 许多其他游戏让玩家进行换位思考 可以通过代理数字化身来发展虚拟同理心吗.

他的大部分工作包括与联合国教育、 科学及文化组织(教科文组织)圣雄甘地教育学院 促进和平与可持续发展(MGIEP),总部设在美国的一类研究机构 in New Delhi, India. 它的使命——与他的研究议程一致——是实现 联合国可持续发展目标(SDG.7: “Education for building 和平与可持续发展的社会通过发展项目促进 利用创新的数字教学法进行社交和情感学习,增强青年的权能.”

Publications/Creative Works


Farber, M. (2021). 游戏SEL:游戏是社交和情感学习的转变. Peter Lang.

Farber, M. (Ed.) (2020). 游戏性和趣味性教学的全球视角. IGI Global.

Farber, M. (2018). 基于游戏的学习:专家亲和小组如何通过游戏进行教学. Peter Lang.

Cornish, S., Farber, M., Miklasz, K, & Fleming, A. (Eds.) (2017). Game jam guide. Carnegie Mellon University ETC Press.

Farber, M. (2017). 游戏化你的课堂:基于游戏的学习现场指南(修订版). Peter Lang.

Farber, M. (2015). 游戏化你的课堂:基于游戏学习的实地指南. Peter Lang.

Journal Articles

Farber, M., & Erekson, J. (Spring 2023). Going beyond the page: Pairing children’s literature with video games. Children and Libraries, 21(1), 6-13.  

Farber, M., & Merchant, W. (2022). 通过调查早期儿童电子书的读写能力, 认知发展,社会和情感学习成果. E-Learning and Digital Media, 0(0). http://doi.org/10.1177/20427530221108538 

Mukund, V., Sharma, M., Srivatsa, A., Sharma, R., Farber, M., & Singh, N. C. (2022). 数字游戏课程在青少年心理素质建设中的作用 knowledge and social-emotional competencies. Games for Health Journal. 11(1), 1-12. DOI: 10.1089/g4h.2021.0138

Farber, M., & Schrier, K. (2021). 超越胜利:两部数字自传的情境分析 games. 游戏研究:国际电脑游戏研究期刊. 21(4).

Schrier, K., & Farber, M. (2021). 皇冠app安卓下载安装“共情”和“游戏”的系统文献综述.” Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds. 13(2), 195-214. DOI: 10.1386/jgvw_00036_

Kang, H. J., Farber, M., & Mahovsky, K. A. (2021). 教师自我报告的教学变革:我们准备好了吗 teachers for online STEM education? Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 21(10), 264-277. DOI: 10.33423/jhetp.v21i10.4640

Farber, M., Williams, M., Mellman, L., & Yu, X. (2020). Systems at play: Game design as an approach for teen self-expression. Journal of Games, Self, and Society, 2(1), 40-84. DOI: 10.1184/R1/12215417

Zieger, L., & Farber, M. (2012). 多用户环境下七年级社会学生的公民参与研究 Virtual Environments. 互动学习研究(JILR), 23(4), 393-410. 计算机教育促进协会(AACE).

Working Paper

Farber, M., & Schrier, K. (2017). 将数字游戏作为“移情”机器的优势和局限性. UNESCO MGIEP.             http://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000261993

Book Chapters

Farber, M., & Merchant, W. (2023). Awkward moment. In Kat Schrier, Rachel Kowert, Diana Leonard, Tarja Porkka-Kontturi (Ed.), 学习、教育和游戏:50款用于包容、公平和正义的游戏. Carnegie Mellon ETC Press.

Farber, M. (2021). 游戏素养及其在社交和情感学习方面的潜力 to adolescent children. In Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (Eds.), Supporting Social and Emotional Development Through Literacy Education (pp. 1-25). IGI Global. 

Farber, M. (2021). Designing, playing, and learning. In Ferdig, R., Gandolfi, E., & Baumgartner, B. (Eds.). 游戏教学:跨学科的游戏课程教学大纲集合 (pp. 205-215). Carnegie Mellon ETC Press

Farber, M., Rutter, A. (2021). 指导职前教师的社会和情感需求 the anxious uncertainties of 2020. In Ferdig, R., Pytash, K. (Eds.), What Teacher Educators Should Have Learned From 2020 (pp. 33-44). 计算机教育促进协会(AACE).

Betts, A. L., Fabienke, N., & Farber, M. (2020). 追求学习:促进参与和学科素养通过 game-based quests. In Haas, L., & Tussey, J. (Eds.), 学科素养与K-12背景下流行文化的联系 (pp. 203-230). IGI Global.  

Farber, M., & Rivers, S. (2020). Leveraging technology for SEL programmes. In Chatterjee, N., Duraiappah, A., & Ramaswamy, R. (Eds.), 重新思考学习:教育系统的社会和情感学习综述 (pp. 221-247). UNESCO MGIEP.

Farber, M. (2019). In Mochizuki, Y. & Bruillard, É. (Eds.), Rethinking Pedagogy: Exploring the 数字技术在实现优质教育方面的潜力. UNESCO MGIEP.

Farber, M. (2019). The Migrant Trail. In Schrier, K. (Ed.) Learning, education & games vol. 3: 100 games to use in the classroom and beyond. Carnegie Mellon ETC Press.

Encyclopedia Entries

Farber M. (2019). Game-Based Learning as Innovative Pedagogy. In Peters, M., & Heraud, R.   (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation. Springer.

Conference Papers

Farber, M., & Merchant, W. (2023). 解开办公时间的隐藏规则:游戏堵塞 first-generation college students’ experiences. In Remi Kalir, Danielle Filipiak (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2022 Connected Learning Summit. Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Mellon ETC Press. 

Farber, M., & Williams, M.K. (2020). 兴趣、关系和机会 2018 Global Minecraft Mentor Program. 2019年互联学习峰会会议记录. Carnegie Mellon ETC Press.

Williams, M. K. & Farber, M. (2020). 游戏教学和连接学习:来自全球Minecraft的视角 Mentoring Program. In D. Schmidt-Crawford    (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) International Conference (pp. 1894-1899). 计算机教育促进协会(AACE).  

Farber, M. (2020). Video Games Are Not Educational Technology. In Mehra, A. (Ed.), Blue Dot TECH 2019 Special Issue (12th ed.). UNESCO MGIEP.  

Schrier, K., & Farber, M. (2019). Open questions for games and empathy. 2018年互联学习峰会会议记录. Carnegie Mellon ETC Press.

Honors and Awards


Matthew Farber, Ed.D. 是北方大学教育技术的副教授 Colorado and the co-director of the Gaming SEL Lab. 他被邀请到白宫,为联合国教科文组织做主题演讲,他还接受了采访 由美国国家公共电台,华盛顿邮报,福克斯皇冠app安卓下载安装电台,APA Monitor报道 在心理学,EdSurge,丹佛邮报,The74,快公司,今日美国和墙 Street Journal. Dr. Farber曾建议Peekapak, Quandary(麻省理工学院的学习游戏网络), Evolved Play, Slam Out Loud, and Noggin (Nick, Jr.). He is a frequent collaborator 与联合国教科文组织MGIEP、iThrive游戏基金会和Games for Change合作. He is a Certified BrainPOP教育家,Classcraft大使,公民教育网络成员. He also is a writer for Edutopia. To learn more, please visit: http://www.edutopia.org/profile/matthew-farber