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Students smile as they settle into their desks.

Bears First Program Gives All Students a Chance to Succeed

“熊优先”项目是皇冠app官方版下载为所有学生提供支持的关键资源 在他们接受高等教育的过程中与他们见面.

北科罗拉多大学(UNC)致力于支持所有学生, including those other institutions may overlook.  

For many students, maintaining a 3.0 grade point average (GPA) in high school is difficult, 无论是因为家庭的损失,还是因为就读资源不足的学校 simply losing momentum for a single semester. Academic interruptions may lead to being 拒绝大学录取,即使是一个有潜力和动力的学生. And for 那些入学的学生,学业上的挑战可能会持续存在,导致风险增加 of dropping out. But UNC’s Bears First 项目面对这一挑战,给更多的学生一个成功的机会. 

bear First专为成绩在3分以下进入皇冠app官方版下载的学生设计.0 GPA. The program 帮助学生建立一个强大的第一年和第二年的学业成功通过 personalized coaching and advising. Meeting regularly with a coach from UNC’s Soar office每学期,贝尔斯First的学生都会制定学业成功计划,并建立自己的公司 foundation for the remainder of their academic journey. The program has proven success, 有了更高的学习成绩和更高的学生保留率,这抓住了 皇冠app官方版下载校友会董事会的关注,并激发了一个特别的 scholarship they planned to award. 

An Incentive to Succeed  

“这是我第一次获得奖学金,我无法用语言来表达 how much it has meant to me ... This scholarship is giving me even more of an opportunity 继续发展我的学术生涯,做我最热爱的事情. I have 我一直都想上大学,而财务问题一直是最难的, 但有了这个,我觉得我好像能够继续下去,我希望我足够幸运 继续获得奖学金,让我在皇冠app官方版下载的未来成为可能,”扎库拉·佩德罗说, a Bears First student. 

当74岁的校友莎伦·甘德(Sharon Gander)于2018年去世时,她留下了一部分遗产 to fund a UNC Alumni Association Scholarship. The generous, but general nature of 这份礼物对校友会的董事会和奖学金提出了一个独特的挑战 委员会-如何优先考虑哪些学生将获得新的奖学金.  

董事会调查并讨论了几项学生的倡议和需求,包括 第一代身份,无薪实习和支持学生从具体 locations. 然而,现有的奖学金已经满足了其中的许多需求 其他基金则针对一般的学术成绩或经济需要. But one need 显然没有满足——为熊第一服务的学生提供的奖学金. 

I’m proud to be part of a board that is intentionally 为所有学生着想,而不仅仅是那些已经很优秀的学生. The Alumni Board wants to support all students. The students who may be struggling, which could be for a 有很多原因,还有那些优秀的学生. Life is not always a linear path, and it can have many ups and downs. This scholarship gives grace and 空间为学生的个人旅程和超越自己的时间表.,” said Q Daugherty, ’87, M.M. ’00, UNC’s Alumni Association Board Chair. 

正如多尔蒂所指出的,许多非常成功的人在高中时都很挣扎, yet went on to thrive in college and in their careers. In exploring possible scholarship 优先事项,董事会成员坦率地分享了他们的学术经历和 grades. 在那次谈话中,一个被忽视的现实浮出水面:学习的样子 different for everyone, and everyone deserves support. 

“I was like a 2.3 to 2.在高中的时候,我的平均绩点还没有确定,但这是其中的一部分 是因为高中对我来说没有挑战性,我什么时候能做六年级的作业 I was in the 1st grade. 我的教育路径是在他们意识到这一点之前 人们有不同的学习方式,”86岁的皇冠app官方版下载学生奥尔顿·迪拉德(Alton Dillard)说 Alumni Association Board. 

迪拉德指出了像“熊优先”这样扩大对话的项目的重要性 皇冠app安卓下载安装如何最好地支持那些过去可能表现不佳的学生. At a university 这让许多教育工作者毕业,揭示了学生学习的不同方式 感觉联系的重要性可以塑造机构的未来. 

“我在一所学校当篮球教练,那里的孩子们不一定有3分.4 and 3.诸如gpa之类的,但他们仍然是好学生. I also think that it ties back to the type of education UNC provides. One of the things that I always 告诉我的队员或者任何未来的熊队队员你是如何在皇冠app官方版下载成名的 and not a number,” said Dillard. 

“熊第一”项目向学生强调,他们每个人都是不可或缺的 part of the UNC community. This Students First approach impressed Daugherty and the board. After learning Bears First resulted in 为了提高学生的保留率,董事会决定为该项目的学生提供一个 为成功提供经济激励,并指定颁发性别奖学金 to Bears First students.  

“(这个项目)真正关注的是课堂之外的学生,他们做出了一个 指出,他们是否会和他们一起吃饭或喝咖啡,他们 真正做到与整个学生建立联系,而不仅仅是在课堂上。” said Daugherty. 

At UNC, every student is valued for the person they are. Programs like Bears First, 莎朗·甘德校友奖学金进一步证明了这一点.  

为了扩大对该奖学金的支持,校友会采纳了“熊优先” 作为他们在一年一度的“熊回馈日”的主要活动. The board 鼓励校友通过在熊第一期间捐款来表达他们的支持 the 24-hour day of giving hosted on April 11, 2024.  

To learn more about supporting student success, save the date for Bears Give Back, access new estate planning resources, or visit the UNC Give page. 

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