


Up to $160 million available over the next 10 years to build climate-resilient communities 科罗拉多-怀俄明地区

Up to $160 million available over the next 10 years to build climate-resilient communities 科罗拉多-怀俄明地区 

The 北科罗拉多大学 is part of an exciting new groundbreaking collaborative 由 国家科学基金会 (NSF) that will drive climate resilience and sustainability across the Colorado-Wyoming region.   

The 科罗拉多州-怀俄明州气候恢复引擎(CO-WY引擎) 最近被提名为十大就职典礼之一 NSF区域创新引擎奖获得者. 该合作网络将在未来两年获得高达1500万美元的资金, 在未来10年里,可能会获得高达1.6亿美元的资金. 以北方为首 Colorado’s Innosphere合资企业, the leading incubation and commercialization program for launching science and high-tech startups, the CO-WY Engine is composed of 40 partners spanning industry, academia, 政府及社会各界. 他们负责开发创新的解决方案 that support communities to monitor, mitigate and adapt to climate impacts, positioning the collaborative at the forefront of the nation’s environmental and climate technology initiatives. 

“The CO-WY Engine represents an opportunity to integrate the meaningful scholarship addressing climate change and resiliency happening at UNC with work happening across the Front Range,” said Associate Vice President of Research and Dean of the Graduate 杰里-安妮·莱昂斯. “我们很高兴能成为这一重要倡议的一部分 会对我们的社区、学生和整个地区产生如此强大的影响吗.” 

UNC is one of six research universities on the project, which also includes Colorado 科罗拉多州立大学矿业学院, University of Colorado Boulder, University of Colorado Denver and Metropolitan State University of Denver. 根据CO-WY引擎的皇冠app安卓下载安装稿,该赠款将授权 the partner universities to engage more profoundly in technology transfer and commercialization 努力促进学术知识和劳动力发展.  

As a university renowned for excellence in teaching that prepares and graduates more education professionals in the state of Colorado than any other university, UNC is 他们在CO-WY引擎上的角色很好地定位于依靠这种力量.     

“This is an exciting opportunity to leverage the faculty expertise we have related to climate resilience in ways that support student learning and lead to essential 劳动力发展。 Chelsie幕, a Geography and 可持续性 professor in UNC’s College of Humanities and Social Sciences. 

“We are looking forward to partnering with other research-intensive institutions and private organizations on projects that provide our students real hands-on experience and skills building for the type of jobs we will need to build a regional economy 以及能够适应气候变化影响的社区.” 

美国国家科学基金会的区域创新引擎计划是在支持 2022年芯片和科学法案. The bipartisan legislation was designed specifically to strengthen American manufacturing, supply chains and national security, and invest in research and development, science 还有技术和劳动力.   

“The CO-WY Engine will be instrumental in bringing technology-driven solutions to life, growing our two-state economy and reshaping our region's and nation’s ability 变得更有气候适应能力。 Mike Freeman, CEO of Innosphere合资企业 and incoming CEO for the CO-WY Climate Resilience Engine.  

“In 10 years, the CO-WY Engine will generate significant economic impact for our region, 其中包括2.2万个与气候技术相关的新工作岗位.50亿的地区生产总值 impact, more than $1 billion in private capital formation, train or reskill more than 2,000 individuals and distribute $80 million in commercialization grants to startups 在气候技术领域.” 

One of the first steps of this new collaborative network will be to identify community needs, according to Romulo, who was one of the contributing writers on the grant along with 气候学教授Cindy Shellito and 地理学教授卡伦·巴顿. 虽然Lyons说引擎的工作才刚刚开始,下一步是 under discussion, there’s a potential that some of the work already underway at UNC related to climate resilience at the community level, on both a local and global scale, 可以帮助告知这些需求吗. 

例如,这包括Shellito与 社区合作和学习促进气候适应能力 (COOLER), a climate change learning network where faculty and students work on NSF-funded projects that focus on teaching climate change across the curriculum, student-led climate research and science communication and integrating cultural relevance into 气候适应能力发展.  

RELATED: Climate Change in the Classroom — Professor's Second Fulbright Provides 国际 在关键问题上合作

Barton, who has spent her career working on community resilience and adaptation and global environmental change all over the world, is also involved with several ongoing projects. 作为九次富布赖特奖的获得者,她最近还颁发了她的美国大学奖学金.S. State Department funded community climate research in a talk titled “Empowering Local Stakeholders Through Face-to-Face Climate Conversations and Citizen Engagement,” and last November, she began leading a series of Climate Conversation Pop-Ups in northern 科罗拉多州针对特定的利益相关者群体. 她还主持了一个名为 希望和韧性的地理, focused on stories of  Coloradans who are taking the "someone has to do something" 对生活的态度和正确的人的叙述. 

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其他合作伙伴包括 科罗拉多社区学院系统和怀俄明州社区学院委员会, Lockheed, NVIDIA, Palantir Technologies, Mars, Shell, Denver Water, Chevron, Trimble, The MITRE Corporation, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Center for Atmospheric Research, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, US Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service, National Institute of Standards and Technology, NSF's 国家生态观测网络,联合实验室, Rockies Venture Club, Activate, CSU STRATA, Third Derivative,Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation, Colorado Office of Economic Development and 国际 Trade, Wyoming Business Council, City of Boulder, City of Fort Collins, City of Greeley, City of Denver, City of Cheyenne, Local Governments for 可持续性, Colorado Cleantech Industries Association, Denver Chamber of Commerce and Clean Air Task Force. 

更多皇冠app安卓下载安装CO-WY引擎的信息可以在网上找到 co-wyengine.org/. 

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