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Zvi Gutierrez sitting at a desk with a green screen behind her

Finding the Scoop: Zvi Gutierrez at UNC

En busca de la primicia: Zvi Gutiérrez en UNC

丹佛媒体市场的皇冠app安卓下载安装突破,这要归功于亲身体验 UNC


Blue graduation cap.让我们更深入地看看其他四位杰出的毕业生谁锻造了不同的道路 and obstacles to reach their goals.

“The VO/SOT is in.”

“Are we ready to record preshow?”

“What’s going on with the Tricaster?”

如果你想了解更多皇冠app安卓下载安装这个网站的信息,请点击这里。 询问有关节目,头脑风暴的故事和工作之前的最后一笔 showtime. News jargon flows freely, and the place feels busy.

大部分故事由贝尔皇冠app安卓下载安装制作,皇冠app安卓下载安装课程的学生制作的皇冠app安卓下载安装广播, 专注于皇冠app官方版下载社区,校园发生的事情和学生是谁 up to.

 但皇冠app安卓下载安装团队也转移了他们的焦点从校园,了解更多皇冠app安卓下载安装格里利 and the community while expanding their reporting to national news. Bear News is a 在过去的一年里,我们的皇冠app安卓下载安装编辑部人手充足,管理它的实际经验也有所帮助。 皇冠app安卓下载安装专业的学生即将毕业,兹维·古铁雷斯找到了自己的路。 9News in Denver.

古铁雷斯五月份从皇冠app安卓下载安装学专业毕业,她已经有了一份工作。 我的意思是,我的意思是,我的意思是,我的意思是。. She’ll start her new position in June as the 9News producer-in-residence.

“你必须有很多的自我动机去做的事情在这个项目. And if you find that early on, you’ll be able to do great things.” 

– Zvi Gutierrez

“我想看看[皇冠app安卓下载安装编辑室]有多么不同,以及他们背后的过程。. Since 我做大部分的技术指导熊皇冠app安卓下载安装这学期,我认为这将是 fun to learn about,” said Gutierrez.

古铁雷斯是格里利人,2020年从大学高中毕业,期间 the pandemic and then enrolled at UNC.  But she didn’t start in the Journalism program. 最初,古铁雷斯开始作为一个平面设计专业,然后转到法医 Science. She shook her head and said, “I can’t do Chemistry anymore.”

So, what brought her to the field of Journalism? Cue the track Toxic by Britney Spears. Gutierrez saw the Netflix documentary Britney vs Spears (2021), 记录#FreeBritney运动的兴起,Britney Spears 13年的保守记录 and the pop singer’s fight for freedom. It lit a spark.

“I’ve always liked true crime and stuff like that,” said Gutierrez. She was inspired 她如何将摄影、录像和剪辑融入强有力的叙事中 communicating important events.

“It combines all my favorite interests into one.” And now, she’ll take those interests and new skills,to Denver. 常驻制作人是一份初级制作人的工作,但古铁雷斯会的 获得制作节目、写作和制作故事的宝贵经验. She will essentially do what she does now at Bear News, but in a professional setting.

Shawn Montano是Hansen Professional驻校助理教授。 Journalism department. He teaches the class where students produce Bear News. During 2024年春季学期,学生们制作了熊皇冠app安卓下载安装节目在周一和周五, creating the content and learning the ropes.

“皇冠app安卓下载安装工作本质上是务实的,需要掌握多种技能。 采访、研究、写作、编辑和多媒体制作. Through hands-on experience, students can not only hone these skills, 但也将它们应用于现实世界中,提高它们的效率,”蒙塔诺说。.

古铁雷斯掌握了这些技能,“(肖恩)能够更多地与我们互动…… he showed us how to do camera and video work.” She gestured to the studio cameras in the Bear News studio. “How to work the Tricaster and operate the podcast booth basically all one on one.”

但她不只是花她的时间在工作室学习,她还担任了 editor for The Mirror, UNC’s student-run newspaper. 古铁雷斯写了一些故事,反映了皇冠app官方版下载校园的生活,以及世界皇冠app安卓下载安装如何适用。 to Bears, never shying away from difficult topics. Though she has written countless 在皇冠app官方版下载期间的故事,她探索科罗拉多州堕胎权利与资源的故事 and surrounding states sticks in her mind.

“我想停止传播错误信息,所以给人们实际的准确性 sources is something I’m passionate about. Even in my abortion article, I state that 如果你不想堕胎,有一些资源可以帮助父母。 or if you want to find an adoption agency,” said Gutierrez.

这些根深蒂固的皇冠app安卓下载安装思维过程是蒙塔诺引以为豪的。 in instilling into his students.

“我致力于培养学生的批判性思维和解决问题的技能。” said Montano. “皇冠app安卓下载安装业往往需要迅速作出决定,提供细致的信息 verification, and adeptness in navigating unforeseen hurdles."

Solving problems is one of the many things Gutierrez does well. She finds sources, 问正确的问题,并在互联网上搜索文件,以支持每个人 fact she writes. She’s chasing the world of investigative journalism, specifically crime reporting. 然而,古铁雷斯并没有陷入即将到来的轰动效应。 with reporting on crime, “我喜欢学习[犯罪]和理解它发生的原因或它是如何发生的 … it interests me.” 

Digging for the facts and finding the answers, that’s her goal. Subjects like crime 生活在皇冠app安卓下载安装业的灰色地带,但它是皇冠app安卓下载安装向公众报告真相. 就在她坐下来谈论毕业和她的旅程到皇冠app官方版下载,古铁雷斯 was pouring over P. Diddy’s court documents, learning about the simultaneous raid at both of his homes. Her pulse on current events and knowledge to research effectively 显示她的热情寻找事实,并使他们为观众.

随着开始的临近,古铁雷斯肯定计划走在毕业典礼上 在疫情期间,她正在为黯淡的高中毕业做准备, 然后前往丹佛做更多她喜欢的事情——讲故事.

也许有一天,她会工作在一个纪录片,说服别人去追求 她说,“你必须有很多的自我动机去做这方面的事情。 program. And if you find that early on, you’ll be able to do great things.” 

UNC is deeply committed to meeting students’ financial needs. In 2022-23, 87% of all UNC undergraduate students received some type of grant or scholarship aid that does not need to be repaid.  

Zvi Gutierrez获得下列捐助者资助的奖学金和北卡大学机构奖学金 scholarships or other federal, state or grant aid. 

  • Matthew A. McConnell Memorial Scholarship
  • William F. Hartman Journalism Scholarship

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