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UNC Students to Assist in Relief Efforts in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico help illustration

February 26, 2018

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A group of 22 University of Northern Colorado students will spend spring break in Puerto Rico, volunteering in rebuilding efforts as the Caribbean island continues to recover from last fall’s devastating hurricane. 

The group, led by UNC graduate student Gabe Christie and UNC junior Mallory Gibson, will join Community Collaborations International to work on a host of projects March 10-18. Their tasks will include planting trees, repairing roofs of buildings and rebuilding other structures. They’ll also work with the Boys and Girls Club in distributing resources, including donated batteries (see below), to residents.

The trip is part of UNC’s Alternative Spring Break, which offers students the option of participating in substance-free, student-led projects that promote individual growth through service learning opportunities that strive to make a difference in communities. ASB trips are also being offered to Texas and Arizona. For more information, visit http://unknews.sushipizza.net/alternative-break 

How to Help

The availability of electricity varies throughout the island and power outages aren’t uncommon. The UNC group is collecting rechargeable batteries to take that they’ll distribute rechargeable battery packs. To donate, contact Gabe Christie or the Office of Off-Campus Life If you’d like to make a monetary donation for the cause, visit www.crowdrise.com/uncasb  

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