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Rick Adams

Rick Adams

Emeritus Faculty

School of Biological Sciences
Natural and Health Sciences

Contact Information

Ross Hall, Room 1540
Mailing Address
501 20th Street, Greeley, CO 80639


Professional/Academic Experience


Research/Areas of Interest

我的研究旨在整合蝙蝠生态学,进化和发展领域 (i.e. 蝙蝠的生态模式是如何从进化史和 contemporary ontogeny). 目前的研究涉及水资源关系 到科罗拉多州、博茨瓦纳、 South African and China. 此外,我在调查的基础上研究蝙蝠的个体发育 幼体骨骼发育以及功能个体发育的变化 他们学习飞行是为了破译蝙蝠的飞行进化.

Publications/Creative Works

Peer-reviewed journal publications

  1. Carter RT, Stuckey A, Adams RA. 2019. 牙买加果蝠舌骨器官的个体发育(翼翅目:毛蝗科) 揭示蝙蝠回声定位的进化过程. Journal of Zoology, London, doi.org/10.1111/jzo.12679

  2. Adams RA, Kwiecinski G. 2018. 来自南部喀拉哈里沙漠、卡拉加迪跨境公园、 South Africa. 多样性,多样性,特刊,蝙蝠的多样性和保护, 10, doi:10.3390/d10030103.

  3. Adams, RA, B. Stoner, D. Nespoli, SM Bexell. 2018. New records of tricolored bats (Perimyotis subflavus在科罗拉多州发现了繁殖的第一个证据. Western North American Naturalist, 78: 212-215.
  4. Adams, RA, MA Hayes. 2018. 科罗拉多蝙蝠性别比例与气候关系的组合水平分析 variable: a model for future expectations. Global Ecology and Conservation, 14: e00379.
  5. Adams, RA. 2018. 气候变化的阴暗面:物种特有的反应和初步迹象 肌炎蝙蝠春季纵向迁徙的中断. Journal of Zoology, London, ISSN 0952-8369
  6. Heiker LM, RA Adams, CV Ramos. 2018. 中国城市两种食虫蝙蝠体内汞的生物积累:影响 of species, age, and land use type. 环境污染与毒理学档案. DOI 10.1007/s00244-018-0547-5

  7. Adams, RA and RT Carter. 2017. 巨肢动物蝙蝠在攀爬和行走方面与小肢动物截然不同 locomotion: evolutionary implications. PLoS ONE, 12(9): e0185634.
  8. Hayes, MA and RA Adams 2017. 当暴露于西部气候变化预测时,模拟蝙蝠种群的侵蚀 North America. PLoS ONE 12(7): e0180693.
  9. Carter, RT and RA Adams. 2016. 整合回声定位和运动的个体发生提供了独特的见解 origin of bats. 哺乳动物进化杂志,在线第一版,DOI 10.1007/s10914-016-9324-2
  10. Adams, RA and R Lambeth. 2015. First physical record of the lappet-browed bat (Idionycteris phyllotis) in Colorado. The Southwestern Naturalist, 60:273-275.
  11. Hayes, MA and RA Adams. 2015. 科罗拉多州流苏蝇的母巢选择. Western North American Naturalist, 75: 460-473.
  12. Adams, RA, FJ Bonaccorso, and JR Winkelmann. 2015. Revised distribution for Otomops martiensseni (Chiroptera: Molossidae) in southern Africa. Global Ecology and Conservation, 3:707-714.
  13. Carter, RT and RA Adams. 2015. 牙买加果蝠(phyllostomae)耳蜗的产后发育与飞行能力 这对回声定位的进化有启示. Journal of Anatomy, 226:301-308.
  14. RA Adams and ER Snode. 2015. 双肩胛果蝠雄性交配叫声的差异 (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae: Epomophorus walhbergi and E. crypturus) in Kruger National Park South Africa. Zoological Studies, 54:15-21.
  15. Hayes, MA and RA Adams. 2015. 条纹肌炎的地理及海拔分布(Myotis thysanodes) in Colorado. Western North American Naturalist, 74:446-455.
  16. Carter, RA and RA Adams. 2014. 牙买加果蝠喉的个体发育与飞行能力 考虑到回声定位的演变. The Anatomical Record, 297:1270-1277.
  17. Carter, RT, J. Shaw, and RA Adams. 2014. 牙买加果蝠发声的个体发生及其进化意义 of echolocation. Journal of Zoology, London, 293:25-32.
  18. Adams, RA and EM Snode. 2013. 独特的见解,分散距离之间的呼叫雄性沃尔伯格的肩章 fruit bat in Kruger National Park, South Africa. Open Ecology Journal, 6: 54-60.
  19. Shaw, T. I., A. Srivastava, W. Chou, L. Lui, A. Hawkinson, T. C. Gless, R. A. Adams and T. Schounts. 2012. 牙买加果蝠转录组测序和注释(Artibeus jamaicensis). PloS ONE.
  20. Adams, R. A., E. R. Snode, and J. B. Shaw. 2012. 蝙蝠拍打尾膜在水平运动中产生潜在的重要推力 takeoffs and very slow flight. PLoS ONE. Impact Factor: 4.411
  21. Cogswell-Hawkinson A., R. Bowen, S. James, D. Gardiner, C. H. Calisher, R. A. Adams, T. Schountz. 2012. 塔卡瑞病毒引起表面宿主牙买加人的致命感染 fruit bat. J Virol. 86:5791-9.
  22. Cogswell-Hawkinson, A. C., M. E. McGlaughlin, C. H. Calisher, R. A. Adams and T. Schountz. 2011. Seba短尾动物细胞因子基因的分子和系统发育特征 Bat (Carollia perspicillata). Open Immunol Journal: 4:31.
  23. Adams, R. A. 2010. 当条件模拟西部气候变化预测时,蝙蝠的繁殖会下降 North America. Ecology, 91: 2437-2445.
  24. Adams, R. A. 2009. Of Darwin and bats. Bat Research News, 50: 87-88. Hayes, M. A., K. W. Navo, L. R. Bonewell, C. J. Mosch, and R. A. Adams. 2009. Allen’s big-eared bat (Idionycteris phyllotis)根据其独特的回声定位呼叫记录在科罗拉多州被记录下来. The Southwestern Naturalist, 54: 499-501.
  25. Adams, R. A. 2009. 气候变化的威胁:蝙蝠的繁殖可能会在美国西部受到影响. Bats, 27: 1-4.
  26. Adams, R. A. and M. A. Hayes. 2008. 水的可用性和蝙蝠的成功哺乳与气候变化有关 in western regions of North America. Journal of Animal Ecology, 77: 1115-1121. 
  27. Adams, R. A. 2008. 蝙蝠翅膀的形态发生:发育、进化和生态的联系. Cells, Tissues, and Organs, 187: 13-23.
  28. Wyant, K.*, and R. A. Adams. 2007. 安哥拉无尾蝙蝠的产前生长发育 Mos condylura (Chiroptera: Molossidae). J Mammalogy, 88: 1248-1251.
  29. Adams, R. A. 2007. Bats and humans. Encyclopedia of animal/human interactions. (M. Bekoff, ed.). Greenwood Publishing Group, New York.
  30. Adams, R. A., and K. M. Thibault. 2006. Temporal partitioning by bats at water holes. Journal of Zoology, London, 270:466-472.
  31. Armstrong, D.M., Adams, R.A., and K.E. Taylor. 2006. New records of the eastern pipistrelle (Pipistrellus subflavus) in Colorado. Western North American Naturalist 66:268-269.
  32. Pedersen, S. C., H. H. Genoways, M. N. Morton, V. J. Swier, P. A. Larsen, K. C. Lindsay, R. A. Adams, and J. D. Appino. 2006. Bats of Antigua, Northern Lesser Antilles. 文集249:1-18,德州理工大学博物馆,拉伯克.
  33. Adams, R. A. 2004. The behaviors of bats.  Pp. 85-86 in The Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, Vol. 1 of  3 (M. Bekoff, ed.). Greenwood Publishing Group, New York, 1,274 pp.
  34. Adams, R.A., S.C. Pedersen, K.M. Thibault, J. Jadin, and B. Petru. 2003. 钙作为食虫蝙蝠的一种限制性资源:水洞能否提供一种 supplemental calcium source? Journal of Zoology, London, 260: 189-194.
  35. Adams, R. A., and J. A. Simmons. 2002. Directionality of drinking passes by bats at water holes: Is there co-operation? Acta Chiropterologica, 4: 195-199.
  36. Adams, R.A. and K.M. Thibault. 1999. Growth, development, and histology of the calcar in the little brown bat, Myotis lucifugus. Acta Chiropterologica, 1:215-221.
  37. Adams, R.A. and K.M. Thibault. 1999. Records of the Brazilian free‑tailed bat, Tadarida brasiliensis (Chiroptera: Molossidae) in Colorado. The Southwestern Naturalist, 44:542-543.
  38. Adams, R. A. 1998. 发育和功能整合的进化意义 in bat wings. Journal of Zoology, London, 246:165-174.
  39. Adams, R. A. 1997. 幼鱼的暴走和小棕的觅食模式 bats, Myotis lucifugus. Journal of Mammalogy, 78:239‑246.
  40. Adams, R. A. 1996. 小棕鱼幼鱼的特定大小资源分配 bats (Myotis lucifugus): Is there an ontogenetic shift? Canadian Journal of Zoology, 74:1204‑1210.
  41. Adams, R. A., and S. C. Pedersen. 1994. Wings on their fingers: despite 50 million 经过多年的进化,蝙蝠不是一夜之间就变成飞行专家的. Natural History, 103:48‑55.
  42. Adams, R. A. 1993. 小褐蝽对水的消耗(半翅目:蛱蝶科) bats, Myotis lucifugus. Bat Research News, 34:66‑67.
  43. Adams, R. A. 1992. 小臂之间的生长发育比较少 brown bat (Myotis lucifugus) and the Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus). Journal of Morphology, 214:251‑260.            
  44. Adams, R. A. 1992. 发育阶段和骨形成顺序在小 brown bat, Myotis lucifugus. Journal of Mammalogy, 73:160‑167.
  45. Adams, R. A. 1990. 科罗拉多州蝙蝠的生物地理学:物种的生态学意义 tolerances. Bat Research News, 31:17‑21.
  46. Adams, R. A. 1988. 科罗拉多州一些蝙蝠的生殖生物学趋势. Bat Research News, 29:21‑25.
  47. Adams, R. A., B. J. Lengas, and M. Bekoff. 1987. Variations in the avoidance responses of black‑tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus). Journal of  Mammalogy, 68:696‑689.
  48. Adams, R. A. 1982. The endothermic properties of Dinosaurs. Journal of the Northern Ohio Association of Herpetologists, 8:2‑13.

Book Reviews:

Adams, R. A. 2004. Bat Ecology (T. H. Kunz and M. B. Fenton, eds.) University of Chicago Press, 779 pp. Journal of Mammalogy, 85: 366-367.

Juried Books

  1. Adams, R.A., and S.C. Pedersen, eds. 2000 Ontogeny, Functional Ecology, and Evolution ofBats. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 398 pp.
  2. Adams, R.A. 2003. 落基山脉西部的蝙蝠:自然历史,生态,和
    Conservation. University Press of Colorado, Boulder, 308 pp.
  3. Adams, R. A. and S. C. Pedersen, eds. 2013. Bat Evolution, Ecology, and Conservation. Springer Press, New York
  4. Adams, R. A., ed. 2013. Into the Night. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.

Recent Book Chapters

  1. Korine, C, RA Adams, D Russo, and D Jacobs. 2016. 蝙蝠与水:人为改变威胁全球 bat populations. Pp. 《皇冠app安卓下载安装》,第188-215期 变化中的世界,克里斯蒂安·沃伊特和蒂加·金斯顿编.). Springer Press, New York.

  2. Adams, R. A. and J. Shaw. 2013. 蝙蝠飞行进化发展中的时间之箭. Pp. 21-46 inBat Evolution, Ecology and Conservation (R. A. Adams and S. C. Pedersen, eds). Springer, New York

  3. Adams, R. A. 2013. Chasing nightly marvels in the Rocky Mountains. Pp. 71-87 in Into the Night (R. A. Adams, ed). University Press of Colorado, Boulder.
  4. Pedersen, S. C., G. G. Kwiecinski, P. A. Larsen, M. N. Morton, R. A. Adams, H. G. Genoways and V. J. Swier. 2010 Bats of Montserrat - population fluctuations 对飓风和火山的反应:1978-2005页. in 岛屿蝙蝠的生态学、进化和保护 (T. H. Fleming and P. Racey, eds.) University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
  5. Kunz, T. H. R. A. Adams, and W. R. Hood. 2009. 体重、出生和出生后生长的评估方法 and Development in Bats, in 研究蝙蝠的生态学和行为学方法, 2nd Edition. (T. H. Kunz and S. Parsons, eds.). Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
  6. Adams, R. A. 2009. 翅目昆虫生长发育研究技术 研究蝙蝠的生态学和行为学方法, 2nd Edition. (T. H. Kunz and S. Parsons, eds.). Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.